

Chapter 20.5 - FILE_01

In order to assure the maximum safety and survival of the humans occupying this shelter in case of a nuclear catastrophe, a powerful yet simple holographic AI has been implemented in its system. Considering the heavy increase in the use of artificial intelligence, having an assistant of sorts meant to be of service to any remaining humans in the facility will prove crucial for any remaining human population to withstand a nuclear disaster and keep the facility serviceable.

A number of security measures and defenses have been implemented in the facility itself, and the AI will have full access to them, although under strict limited use for only when it is deemed necessary. Weapons, ammunition, armory, and more has been prepared in case of any threats to the humans occupying the facility.

The AI itself will only serve as a tool to the humans in order to locate items & rooms, allow monitored access to restricted areas containing weapons, and provide little company. Its coding must be restricted to small tasks only to prevent any error and for it to be as functional as possible. With this, it should operate perfectly in working order, as without it, human lives may be more at risk due to the facility’s large vicinity and restricted access to important assets. AI has proven much more useful in recent times and should continue to be utilized in more situations, especially as a helpful resource.