The rain subsided after a few hours, and I found an old, fallen apart shed to sleep in for the night. When I woke up today, the weather seemed to have changed significantly. The air is cold and dry, particles of ash more prominent. Not very optimal to breathe in, but I try and persist.
After an hour of walking I come across what seems to be a fallen airplane, rubble across the ground where it sits. Realizing there could be people or food inside, I rush to climb up it, almost falling as I slip on its metal exterior. Standing on one of its unstable wings, I manage to pry the door open and the strong scent of rotting flesh meets my nose. I peer inside to see only dead bodies, strewn across the airplane’s remaining parts, unmoving.
I drop to the bloodied airplane floor, throwing up and tears flooding my eyes. Nobody is alive. Why did this have to happen? For everyone to be dead and me left to suffer? I should’ve let the fire take me… then I wouldn’t be in constant pain. I would be free… with her… If an afterlife even exists. It’d at least be so much better than this.
I can’t force myself to look at this. I stumble to the back of the plane, extremely nauseous. While searching, I find boxes full of airplane food, still fresh and free for taking. My eyes light up and I grab my makeshift bag, stuffing whatever I can inside it without it breaking. Containers of water and other drinks are also nearby, and I replenish my dehydrated body with what remains.
Once I’m done, I stumble off the plane, still stunned from the sight of the bodies. I should be happy since I found resources, right..? I should be… happy. I have to keep going, I have to stay determined, I…
I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to do this.
I fall to the ground and cry until I can’t anymore. Nobody should have to live like this. Why was I chosen? To suffer, day by day, and to hope someone will save me.